By purchasing this and other products from T&T GUNWORKS LLC. , you represent that it is legal for you to purchase and possess the products pursuant to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and that you will use them in compliance with all laws. CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.TANDTGUNWORKS.COM FOR MORE ITEMS, EBAY PROHIBITED ITEMS, AND LOWER PRICES!! Adds 6 Rounds to 9mm and 5 rounds to .40acp & .357 Glock's Magazines! Works on 19X, 17, 17L, 18, 22, 24, 31, 34, 35, 37, 45 & 47 Stainless steel extra power magazine spring included Rounded ergo design Positive mag seating Extraction Traction Points Debris extraction ports Superior tough construction No more painful corner spikes in your palm THIS DOES NOT PASS USPSA LENGTH FOR LIMITED OR CARRY OPTICS AT 141.25 MM YOU WILL GET BUMPED TO OPEN FOR THIS EXTENSION